
Member since ‎Nov 22, 2020
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Ibrahim Khattab

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nmaes on April 13, 2017
We want to have a import/export function for the actions (engements in hubspot internally). The reason for this is: For example when we send a sales letter to 100 companies I do not want to registrate the action manualy for each company/contact. read more
41 Replies
May 27, 2021
many basic features are not available in hubspot, i vote for this option to be able to import our activities from excel or even another app, without more
bobkhattab on January 30, 2021
Everyday I am getting surprised by the nominal features that this CRM is only giving access to it. Why do social tools can only be connected for users having the professional package? I love HubSpot and love working on it, but i am getting frust read more
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bobkhattab on January 30, 2021
Hello, there are some features that are needed by startups as needed by organizations, just like customizing reports. While having such features under the professional package is beyond many startups' usage, and the features won't be utilized. read more
bobkhattab on December 04, 2020
It would be very helpful to have a dashboard and report section for projects, it should be more advanced to help us look for projects per assignment per task, to see the due tasks in a summary the closed etc... Moreover, it also should be integra read more
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