
Member since ‎Nov 19, 2020
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Todd Sheets

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BSCTodd on December 10, 2020
As the title states, I am seeking customization settings for creating tasks using the checkbox on the calling integration popup window, as well as on note creation popup, email sending popup, etc. I am looking to be able to change the task titl read more
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BSCTodd on November 19, 2020
Add the ability to group titles together for faster filtering of lists. For example, I am often filtering lists to pull "CEO", "CFO", "CTO", "Controller", etc. If I could group them and give it a title like "C-Suite" that would be super helpful. Tha read more
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r2davis3 on September 14, 2017
After assigning a Lead to a HS Sales User, I'd like to start a Sequence on their behalf, such that the email in the sequence has the FROM email of the HS Sales User, not me (the initator of the sequence).
188 Replies
November 19, 2020
Agreed! The email selection is already there on the enrollment page. It made me think it was already put in when I saw it, unfortunately only my more
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