
Member since ‎Nov 13, 2020
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André Meier

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jmoss on November 12, 2019
I would like to be able to use a form submission to auto-generate a quote. It's currently possible to use a workflow to create a deal, but I'd like to be able to go a step further and have the workflow create a deal and quote simultaneously.
121 Replies
February 23, 2022
Traurig, automatisches erstellen von offerten nicht möglich !!!
KJames on September 16, 2021
I would like to be able to use meeting start and end times as a trigger property that I can use in automations, e.g. send an automated email 15-minutes after a meeting end time.
1 Reply
October 12, 2021
yes please!
KevinFMTV on June 28, 2019
USE CASE: We use a custom property to identity when a contact is known to be a dead lead. However, many of these contacts have pending tasks associated which are no longer applicable once a contact is dead. PROPOSED FUNCTIONALITY: Add a feature to w read more
149 Replies
August 19, 2021
Bad UX on one of the key features of Sales Pro! Badly needed!
Mr_E on October 18, 2017
The admin account should have the ability to login as other user accounts. This would allow the admin to change the various settings, like notifications, that can only be changed at the user level. Great time and user frustration saver
84 Replies
March 09, 2021
It is, its soooo annoying atm, eather I'll have to get the codes prom my experts to do the changes linked with several blockings because Hubspot more
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