
Member since ‎Nov 11, 2020
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Scott Hammond

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maximelexstart on September 21, 2018
Hey there! For us to be able to create forms that use Deal Properties would be amazing. Is that something easily feasible? Thank you.
192 Replies
February 10, 2023
This would be really helpful!
shammond-hammfg on December 22, 2022
When creating new contacts, when you copy an email address from outlook it adds "mailto:" at the beginning of the email. Can Hubspot add some code to automatically pull that content from being included in the email? It creates added work to delete t read more
Calebb on July 12, 2019
A nice to have chatflow is the ability to auto-set all users/teams to "Away" when the business hours end of day parameter has been met so that our agents do not forget to do this themselves. Is it possible to set a global or individual daily re read more
17 Replies
December 16, 2022
I also agree with the above. We utilize the business hours schedule, but we need an auto-away feature for agents that don't have mouse movement for more
shammond-hammfg on April 29, 2021
Please add file type support for compressed zip files.
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