
Member since ‎Aug 11, 2017
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Johntabita on March 20, 2019
This isn't a technical question, but I'm hoping someone can help. We're a US-based company what doesn't do business in the EU. Today, someone filled out our contact form with the following in the comment field: Hi, I am concerned that your read more
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4 Replies
March 22, 2019
I have read the GDPR playbook, but the first article was helpful. Thanks!
Johntabita on March 20, 2019
This isn't a technical question, but I'm hoping someone can help. We're a US-based company what doesn't do business in the EU. Today, someone filled out our contact form with the following in the comment field: Hi, I am concerned that your read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
March 22, 2019
I have read the GDPR playbook, but the first article was helpful. Thanks!
Johntabita on March 13, 2019
Until recently, many sales rep and those responsible for cancellations weren't using HubSpot, so we did bulk uploads to keep contact records accurate. This skewed our monthly data, because uploads didn't neccessarily happen the same month that the s read more
March 15, 2019
I actually read both those articles the same day I posted. But the thread you linked to was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!
Johntabita on March 13, 2019
Until recently, many sales rep and those responsible for cancellations weren't using HubSpot, so we did bulk uploads to keep contact records accurate. This skewed our monthly data, because uploads didn't neccessarily happen the same month that the s read more
March 15, 2019
I actually read both those articles the same day I posted. But the thread you linked to was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!
Johntabita on February 26, 2019
I'd like to hear what you do in this scenario: A lead becames a SQL by either inquiring about our product or responding positively to a sales call. The sales rep qualifies him or her, then creates a deal and the lifecycle becomes Opportunity. read more
March 05, 2019
I appreciate your thoughtful reply. Yes, we're more concerned with where someone is right now, as our sales cycle is relatively short. (And since I' more
Johntabita on February 26, 2019
I'd like to hear what you do in this scenario: A lead becames a SQL by either inquiring about our product or responding positively to a sales call. The sales rep qualifies him or her, then creates a deal and the lifecycle becomes Opportunity. read more
March 05, 2019
I appreciate your thoughtful reply. Yes, we're more concerned with where someone is right now, as our sales cycle is relatively short. (And since I' more
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