
Member since ‎Nov 10, 2020
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Simon Padbury

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SimonPadbury on October 02, 2024
Hi all, Google Analytics is increasingly missing visitors, because they say no to third party cookies, etc. So our numbers are taking a hit, while we're still seeing a traffic showly incrreasing in the HS web analytics dashboard. Is there a read more
October 03, 2024
Hi Kennedy, At this stage, I would just like to see monthly aggregated Page Views. E.g. I have various department heads that I report to, and more
SimonPadbury on October 02, 2024
Hi all, Google Analytics is increasingly missing visitors, because they say no to third party cookies, etc. So our numbers are taking a hit, while we're still seeing a traffic showly incrreasing in the HS web analytics dashboard. Is there a read more
October 03, 2024
Hi Kennedy, At this stage, I would just like to see monthly aggregated Page Views. E.g. I have various department heads that I report to, and more
SimonPadbury on October 02, 2024
Hi all, Google Analytics is increasingly missing visitors, because they say no to third party cookies, etc. So our numbers are taking a hit, while we're still seeing a traffic showly incrreasing in the HS web analytics dashboard. Is there a read more
October 03, 2024
Hi Kennedy, At this stage, I would just like to see monthly aggregated Page Views. E.g. I have various department heads that I report to, and more
SimonPadbury on August 13, 2024
Hello, Is there dynamic pages publish some HubDB rows and not others? E.g. for handling drafts. What I thought might possibly work, but doesn't: HubDB column `.live_status` checkbox for status. Then in the template: ``` {% if dynamic_ read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
August 19, 2024
Thanks Barry. I'm going for having the date(s) as a text field, because some are multi-day conferences. My users can put what they like in a text more
SimonPadbury on August 13, 2024
Hello, Is there dynamic pages publish some HubDB rows and not others? E.g. for handling drafts. What I thought might possibly work, but doesn't: HubDB column `.live_status` checkbox for status. Then in the template: ``` {% if dynamic_ read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
August 19, 2024
Thanks Barry. I'm going for having the date(s) as a text field, because some are multi-day conferences. My users can put what they like in a text more
SimonPadbury on August 13, 2024
Hello, Is there dynamic pages publish some HubDB rows and not others? E.g. for handling drafts. What I thought might possibly work, but doesn't: HubDB column `.live_status` checkbox for status. Then in the template: ``` {% if dynamic_ read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
August 19, 2024
Thanks Barry. I'm going for having the date(s) as a text field, because some are multi-day conferences. My users can put what they like in a text more
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