
Member since ‎Nov 6, 2020
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Gibrahn Verdult

Provide stable debt stack structures to avoid equity dilution while supporting capacity requirements to meet growth goals for immediate, intermediate and long term demands through revolvers, term loans and master lease lines of credit for equipment and infrastructure needs.


VenProPartners on March 09, 2023
Anyone else use a document linked to multiple email templates? Wouldn't it be great; a) if you could search all the templates the document is associated to, and b) you could update the document in a batch scenario to all the templates at once read more
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VenProPartners on April 09, 2021
Often time we get a new contact or one who replaces a previous one of a current company we work with and have to enter all the data like industry, website, city etc etc. It would be great if we could just duplicate a current contact that populated e read more
VenProPartners on January 11, 2021
Hey HubSpot lovers anyone else think it would be useful if you could see the follow up task or sequnce a contact has or in that was associated to the Deal from the Deal view? Who is with me? Shout out please : )
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November 06, 2020
We support this request as well! love the access to sequence in Gmail when creating a new email and thought is it should be an easy implementation more
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