
Participante | Parceiro Diamante
Membro desde ‎nov 5, 2020
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Melly2022 on Julho 13, 2020
Having a rich text, text box in the contact properties to add short notes to would be ideal for easily identifying some content in the text box - currently SF and HS sync do not support syncing notes with notes so making information easily accessibl Leia mais
Participante | Parceiro Diamante
Abril 05, 2022
@DBiler you can "Contact Support" and ask for it. This feature doens't work (at the moment) in forms, right?
William_Clayton on Julho 22, 2020
Is it possible to create sub levels of proprieties that are dependent on the next level? This means properties can have their own attribute sets and allow users to drill into more detail in their contact or company properties associating more specif Leia mais
41 avaliações positivas
13 Respostas
Participante | Parceiro Diamante
Junho 17, 2021
We need this really!
AnaMura on Novembro 18, 2019
I know that Hubspot is not currently supporting this functionality, but it will help a lot to manually start a ticket from incoming email (not via workflow, but via Gmail extension) or from Slack, similarly to what you have for creating a new 'Task Leia mais
146 avaliações positivas
61 Respostas
Participante | Parceiro Diamante
Junho 16, 2021
Yes, also agree, that's a must have
JoanneTapping on Setembro 10, 2018
Whilst the Ticket system is useful, when you have 150-200 tickets in varying pipelines within ServiceHub can be confusing when searching for a particular ticket. It would be immensly valuable to include the Ticket ID to all subsequent emails fro Leia mais
223 avaliações positivas
72 Respostas
Participante | Parceiro Diamante
Novembro 05, 2020
We need this also
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