
Member since ‎Nov 5, 2020
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Herschel on May 09, 2019
Issue: Tickets Owner and associated Conversation Assignee are not linked. Use Case: Our support team rotates who is on call. Whoever is on call during a specified period of time will answer incoming client issues for that period. To facilitate t read more
November 19, 2020
This is a feature that needs to be part of the conversations inbox - otherwise the filtering tool has little purpose.
claw on December 20, 2018
Hi Team, just a quick suggestion here 🙂 It can get slightly messy when there are too many messages in our Conversations - Inbox Tool, it would be a great idea if we can create "folders" on the left pane and so we can drag and drop like email clie read more
59 Replies
November 10, 2020
100% need this to be implemented. Having all emails come through into the same inbox can get messy & its too generalised.
benzil on September 30, 2020
It would be great to use the Gmail tool, to sync 'read' status of emails back to Gmail, this way i can take action if i notice a new email in hubspot without having to also open up Gmail too
6 Replies
November 10, 2020
Totally agree, Gmail has to sync to mark emails as 'read' it doesn't make sense to not have this as a basic functionality.
dschroed on September 10, 2019
linked to these Forume messages, but no duplictates in the IDEA Forum: I need to be able to respond to instagram messages via my Hubspot account. Can you please look into utilizing the FB Business Manager API, to also integ read more
172 Replies
November 05, 2020
This is a huge part of Customer Service that needs to be reflected in Hubspot features. It is not ideal having Instagram messages split on a more
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