
Member since ‎Aug 10, 2017
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Brian Haug

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brian1 on December 02, 2019
When you click on a marketing email from the list view, you can see not only the performance of the email overall, but which actions were taken by specific recipients in the funnel. This is not available for sales emails, and you can only see the ac read more
5 Replies
taylorfriss on July 11, 2017
We just switched over to HubSpot from Salesforce and are trying to do an audit on which properties we have - so we can find duplicates and either merge or delete them. It would be great if we could export all existing Properties in our system with t read more
March 01, 2019
Please add this to the roadmap!!
brian1 on April 13, 2018
I'd like to create a report that shows Hubspot Owner on one axis (Sales Rep 1, Sales Rep 2, etc.) and number of contacts in bar chart form, with the bar segmented by lifecycle stage, and be able to do various time frames. It seems like there is no w read more
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brian1 on October 03, 2017
contacts with Lifecycle stage "Marketing Qualified Lead" that "Became a Marketing Qualified Lead" more than two weeks ago (rolling date range)?? Essentially in this report, I want to view contacts that have remained in a specific lifecycle stag read more
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2 Replies
October 03, 2017
Thanks Phil, it hadn't even occurred to me yet that you could filter for smart list membership on reports. Thought that was only under contacts tab. more
brian1 on October 03, 2017
contacts with Lifecycle stage "Marketing Qualified Lead" that "Became a Marketing Qualified Lead" more than two weeks ago (rolling date range)?? Essentially in this report, I want to view contacts that have remained in a specific lifecycle stag read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
October 03, 2017
Thanks Phil, it hadn't even occurred to me yet that you could filter for smart list membership on reports. Thought that was only under contacts tab. more
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