
Member since ‎Oct 30, 2020
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Arne on April 27, 2019
We have quite a number of workflows in HubSpot that classify, notify, assign tasks and owners. If such users are out of office, processes get stuck in the dead end waiting for the users to eg come back from vacation. We are using rotation in some c read more
May 25, 2021
I agree. We want to make sure that tasks are taken over in case of an out of office colleague. Been searching for a solution for hours, but no luck more
AJLaPorte_diagr on October 10, 2017
You should create a connector for use with Google's DataStudio Application. This would help us create a more robust report for our users and we can leverage the statistics that HubSpot provides. Currently, other services like Databox can connect to read more
November 11, 2020
@FinallyMatt Oh thanks for sharing! That's too bad.. That means the only option is another paid subscription with a third party connector 😔
AJLaPorte_diagr on October 10, 2017
You should create a connector for use with Google's DataStudio Application. This would help us create a more robust report for our users and we can leverage the statistics that HubSpot provides. Currently, other services like Databox can connect to read more
November 11, 2020
@FinallyMatt Oh thanks for sharing! That's too bad.. That means the only option is another paid subscription with a third party connector 😔
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