
Member since ‎Oct 29, 2020
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segall12 on October 20, 2017
Any plans for those who use gmail through Safari? Seems like a very glaring ommission as a supported browser Thanks, Lorne
February 12, 2024
Add me to the list of folks who need and want this!!! If it only took our fellow user, above, 30 minutes to write code for this, I'm not sure I more
JAM on August 21, 2017
Hi, Is it possible to hide individual contacts from view so that only the HubSpot owner and super admin can see them? Thanks. JAM.
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7 Replies
December 02, 2020
THis is different from what the person is asking. JAM was essentially asking what I'd like to do as well. Make specific contacts private. That's more
reetishanarayan on April 08, 2020
I've had 97 email open notifications TODAY from a specific contact. Can we please have functionality where we can turn off tracking AFTER being sent for specific contacts rather than having to turn off all notifications and losing important tracking read more
1 upvote
1 Reply
October 29, 2020
Yes, I totally agree with this idea. Once an email chain is opened, or at any point, we should be able to stop the notifications for this chain. more
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