
Member since ‎Aug 10, 2017
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KathaHub on February 19, 2018
We use the CRM for the German market and unfortunately HubSpot Insights pulls a lot of incorrect data on the company records. In order to avoid manual fixes by our sales team every time a new contact is created, it would be great to have the optio read more
28 Replies
November 29, 2018
I'm so thankful you guys got this option created. It does create another pseudo-bug that I think you should look into and it would relate to another more
KathaHub on February 19, 2018
We use the CRM for the German market and unfortunately HubSpot Insights pulls a lot of incorrect data on the company records. In order to avoid manual fixes by our sales team every time a new contact is created, it would be great to have the optio read more
28 Replies
November 29, 2018
I'm so thankful you guys got this option created. It does create another pseudo-bug that I think you should look into and it would relate to another more
KathaHub on February 19, 2018
We use the CRM for the German market and unfortunately HubSpot Insights pulls a lot of incorrect data on the company records. In order to avoid manual fixes by our sales team every time a new contact is created, it would be great to have the optio read more
28 Replies
November 29, 2018
I'm so thankful you guys got this option created. It does create another pseudo-bug that I think you should look into and it would relate to another more
Immo-tion on November 21, 2017
Hello all, As you know, Hubspot provides us with company Insights when we create a new contact or company. Sometimes, including in these insights is the annual revenue of the company. I'm wondering how accurate is this number. From which sou read more
1 upvote
16 Replies
November 07, 2018
I suggest you keep this open until the data accuracy increases. For folks who find this, I suggest you head over to this thread and help solve the more
KathaHub on February 19, 2018
We use the CRM for the German market and unfortunately HubSpot Insights pulls a lot of incorrect data on the company records. In order to avoid manual fixes by our sales team every time a new contact is created, it would be great to have the optio read more
28 Replies
November 29, 2018
I'm so thankful you guys got this option created. It does create another pseudo-bug that I think you should look into and it would relate to another more
KathaHub on February 19, 2018
We use the CRM for the German market and unfortunately HubSpot Insights pulls a lot of incorrect data on the company records. In order to avoid manual fixes by our sales team every time a new contact is created, it would be great to have the optio read more
28 Replies
November 29, 2018
I'm so thankful you guys got this option created. It does create another pseudo-bug that I think you should look into and it would relate to another more
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