
Member since ‎Oct 28, 2020
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Deborah Keir

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dkeir on May 07, 2021
We really need the ability to create formulas within the custom reporting tools. We would like to be able to create reports with conversion rates that are not available within the funnel reports. For example, we would like to have a conversio read more
4 Replies
samglenn on September 04, 2019
For all content options that allow you to organize with folders, it would be extremely helpful to be able to create folders within folders for better organization leading to less duplicates and efficiency when looking for content already created my read more
April 22, 2021
Another vote for this please!!!!
sandrine_OP on January 10, 2019
Hi Community Is there a way to create a property that is linked by conditional logic to another property. i.e. I have a list of "general" issue, but I want the support team to be able to select sub issues when they select one of the entries for th read more
52 Replies
March 15, 2021
We are also looking for something like this - we want users to select a location, and for conditional logic to then show the user the only more
Alex_22 on May 15, 2019
I was trying to build a contact list using the sequence status property. For instance, I wanted to build a list for all my contacts that didn't' answer to one of my sequences. I would've set the status property at "sequence ended, no response" and read more
5 Replies
February 16, 2021
Agree this is needed - would like to be able to report on what % of those enrolled in sequence ended with no reply.
yoramschwell on May 01, 2019
I have a property which is a date value to tell me when something needs to happen. I want to set this date automatically in a workflow when the contact does a different action (submits a form). Currently, I can only set the field to today or a stati read more
11 Replies
January 25, 2021
Need this!
Bruno_Teixeira on December 11, 2020
Hello, It would be great if we could set a date in the future by using the "set a property value" feature in the workflows. Nowadays we can only set an static date or set the day of the step. It would be useful if we could set for example read more
14 Replies
January 25, 2021
Another vote for this please. We want to set a property value to be 14 days after create date.
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