
Miembro desde ‎oct 27, 2020
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Matt Schwartz

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Noviembre 01, 2022
+1 please!
HubSpot_user3 en Julio 22, 2022
The order in which contacts are displayed on a Company page is not optimized. I believe the order of display on the right side dashboard is the order in which contacts were added or perhaps it is alphabetical. But either way the displayed order Leer más
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May 31, 2022
Please hubspot! You're our only hope.
May 10, 2022
Please HubSpot, you're our only hope.
HubSpot_user3 en Diciembre 01, 2021
Repeating Tasks are difficult to delete or change. For example, I have changed a repeating task's due time (default is 8am but I wanted 10am reminder). Future repeats did not change, even when I deleted the older versions of the repeat. Leer más
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1 Respuestas
HubSpot_user3 en Julio 27, 2021
Who (what type of role or team ) is the feature for? Sales and Business Development What is their goal ? Review the pipeline and look at the "Next Activity Date" column to schedule appropriate activity around which deal needs atte Leer más
3 Me gusta
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