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Jorge Fernandez

Dieser Benutzer hat noch keine Beschreibung erstellt. Bearbeite Dein Profil hier.


toricook on Oktober 14, 2020
HubSpot's gmail extension for sales is great. In addition to being able to bring over Snippets, Templates, and such I would love the ability to pull in knowledge base articles from HubSpot. This will benefit both Sales and Customer Support re Beitrag ansehen
April 21, 2022
Yes! This would be great!
jorge-gbs on Januar 17, 2021
Hello, I am trying to add the Vistior Identification API to my wordpress site that uses the Hubspot Wordpress Plugin. I was adding a custom WP Plugin to handle this small addon. I think I am close to getting it working as I am able to retriv Beitrag ansehen
März 31, 2022
In case this helps anyone. I figured it out. My code was correct. Just missing in the JS the Token I was passing the entire array including Keys...Beitrag ansehen
jorge-gbs on Januar 17, 2021
Hello, I am trying to add the Vistior Identification API to my wordpress site that uses the Hubspot Wordpress Plugin. I was adding a custom WP Plugin to handle this small addon. I think I am close to getting it working as I am able to retriv Beitrag ansehen
März 31, 2022
In case this helps anyone. I figured it out. My code was correct. Just missing in the JS the Token I was passing the entire array including Keys...Beitrag ansehen
jorge-gbs on Januar 17, 2021
Hello, I am trying to add the Vistior Identification API to my wordpress site that uses the Hubspot Wordpress Plugin. I was adding a custom WP Plugin to handle this small addon. I think I am close to getting it working as I am able to retriv Beitrag ansehen
März 31, 2022
In case this helps anyone. I figured it out. My code was correct. Just missing in the JS the Token I was passing the entire array including Keys...Beitrag ansehen
jorge-gbs on Januar 17, 2021
Hello, I am trying to add the Vistior Identification API to my wordpress site that uses the Hubspot Wordpress Plugin. I was adding a custom WP Plugin to handle this small addon. I think I am close to getting it working as I am able to retriv Beitrag ansehen
März 31, 2022
In case this helps anyone. I figured it out. My code was correct. Just missing in the JS the Token I was passing the entire array including Keys...Beitrag ansehen
umbck on Januar 10, 2019
My team and I would like to be able to send email sequences to perspective clients from our shared email to keep everything in one place and have everything easily accessbile.
96 Antworten
Oktober 26, 2020
This is a must. We want to keep emails more in a centralized spot. Would help a lot if we could start sequence conversations from that email.
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