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Tim Butterworth


nicolerohrer on Maio 15, 2020
Some customers have alternative billing situations for their products that do not fit within our current billing frequency options below. It would be nice if they had the option to create other intervals. One customer needs a five year option for ex Leia mais
302 avaliações positivas
151 Respostas
Fevereiro 26, 2022
I think you are right - they are not listening
TimB-Crave on Dezembro 23, 2021
This new function is great - but it misses the basics available with the regular meeting booker. 1. the owner needs to get a notification that a meeting has been booked 2, add reminders that a meeting has been booked need to be send to the other Leia mais
40 avaliações positivas
18 Respostas
nicolerohrer on Maio 15, 2020
Some customers have alternative billing situations for their products that do not fit within our current billing frequency options below. It would be nice if they had the option to create other intervals. One customer needs a five year option for ex Leia mais
302 avaliações positivas
151 Respostas
Fevereiro 26, 2022
I think you are right - they are not listening
DwiP on Agosto 06, 2019
When users are creating Quotes, there are 3 Quote Templates Available: Original, Basic and Modern. It would be great if there is an additional settings where user would be able to set the default Quote Template for the portal. For example, setting Leia mais
37 avaliações positivas
9 Respostas
Maio 14, 2020
need to be able to amend the quote and also be able to set the default length of the quote. Its currents 90 days.
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