
Contributor | Elite Partner
Member since ‎Oct 26, 2020
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MichaelC on May 26, 2021
Hello CRM Community 👋 My goal is to create a custom number property that auto increases for each new created record. Lets say we want to generate a list of customer numbers starting with 100. Lets make this simple and say that each ne read more
10 Replies
Contributor | Elite Partner
July 23, 2024
Hi there, we have built an app for the marketplace that allows you create infinite calculations. In this case, you can easily enrol the object, more
SOwens2 on December 12, 2023
Am trying to create a formula but getting stuck. I have created a new propert and its a custom equation. I want it to reference another field called TotalScore% which is itslef a calculated field based on inputs on other fields and gives a % score: read more
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5 Replies
Contributor | Elite Partner
July 23, 2024
Hi there, we have built an app for the marketplace that allows you create an infinite number of calculations. Feel free to check it out here here: more
S_Tasneem on September 08, 2022
Hello, My requirement is to get the number of days-difference between cretedate & closedate of a deal. The number of days between these two dates should be populated in a third-party application form, So I am doing the development in a deal-bas read more
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3 Replies
Contributor | Elite Partner
July 23, 2024
Hi there, we have built an app for the marketplace that allows you to automatically calculate the time between 2 dates. Feel free to check it out more
ben-duchy on November 11, 2020
Does anyone know if it's possible to display the difference between 2 sets of dates within HubDB? So for example if I create 2 date columns, is there any HubL math operators that can calculate how many days difference there are?
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8 Replies
Contributor | Elite Partner
July 23, 2024
Hi there, we have built an app for the marketplace that allows you to automatically calculate the time between 2 dates. Feel free to check it out more
Kevin_Jorgensen on March 22, 2023
For our sales reporting, we need to know the number of months that have transpired since the beginning of the year, such that the number increments by 1 at the beginning of the next month. So in Jan, the value = 1 (special case) and stays 1 through read more
Contributor | Elite Partner
July 23, 2024
Hi there, we have built an app for the marketplace that allows you to automatically calculate the time between 2 dates. Feel free to check it out more
brhellman on October 28, 2019
It would be helpful if in your workflows you could do math. For example we have a workflow that creates a new deal in the renewal pipeline for every contract that is invoiced. For most of the contracts simply adding a due date of 365 days (1 year read more
10 Replies
Contributor | Elite Partner
July 23, 2024
Hi all, we have created an app that allows you to build an infinite number of calculations, using workflows. Feel free to check it out here: more
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