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Member since ‎Oct 22, 2020
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Tyler Doucet

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Tyler-Ottawa on April 18, 2022
Hey, Would like to see the reporting color for a user set at the user level so that it does not have to be set in each individual report. Changing colors from 1 report to the next is confusing and aligning them in individual reports is very tim read more
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itsmaret on March 16, 2020
Hi all, The idea: To be able to bulk upload/import UTM tracking URLs (and potentially have a template sheet, like with contact/company imports) Who for: This is for those who work in big portals, using URLs across many sources/mediums an read more
Member | Partner
August 30, 2021
This would help with creating a document with many internal links!
Tyler-Ottawa on May 21, 2021
Hey, Need to have permissions on who can and can't access the calls feature toggled from the user's settings. Thanks,
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