
Member since ‎Oct 22, 2020
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Benjamin Langer

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blanger on August 23, 2022
Hallo, nach Abstimmung mit dem Support fehlt leider ein gewohntes Feature, welches im normalen/bisherigen Meeting-Tool verfügbar ist: Wenn ein Kontakt jetzt neuerdings ein Meeting mit Hilfe der neuen Funktion auf Grund einer vorgeschlagener Zeit read more
MiaSrebrnjak on January 31, 2022
Was ist neu? Du kannst nun bestimmte Zeiten auswählen und in einer E-Mail an potenzielle oder bestehende Kund*innen senden. Die Benutzer*innnen können je nach ihrer eigenen Verfügbarkeit die Zeiten auswählen. Die Empfänger*innen erhalten die au read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
August 23, 2022
Hallo, nach Abstimmung mit dem Support fehlt leider ein gewohntes Feature, welches im normalen/bisheringen Meeting-Tool verfügbar ist: Wenn ein more
tfiscus on May 05, 2021
Conversations should automatically be copied from the conversations thread in Inboxes to the Contact Record and Ticket as a note. Comments made in tickets don't show up outside of the inboxes, so once a conversation is closed, it's like they dis read more
July 09, 2021
Very important to me, to see all informations of the conversation also in the contact/company/deal/ticket!
JonnyT on June 27, 2018
We work with several different pipelines of HubSpot service tickets. We would like to set the default for displayed ticket properties based on the pipeline we're working with. For instance, we want to see our custom "Serial Number" field in our RM read more
66 Replies
June 15, 2021
This is a "must have" feature, if you are working with different ticket-pipelines... Otherwise you have to choose so much properties and most of more
kdipaolo on June 14, 2018
Created on behalf of a customer. Who: Service Hub Goal: Access service hub tickets on mobile app It would be helpful for customers who are out of the office and don't have access to a laptop or computer to be able to work on tickets via mobil read more
173 Replies
March 01, 2021
This is a must for mobile Acess !
bkinnard on January 09, 2020
I could really use the ability to import tasks into the CRM and to create tasks to be recurring. This would allow our team manager to set up the tasks for projects that happen on a regular basis and monitor progress to make sure things don't get dr read more
5 Replies
February 24, 2021
Would be a nice and important feature to create recurring tasks !
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