
Member since ‎Oct 21, 2020
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SirHubalot on January 25, 2022
I'm trying to return a value from a macro without any whitespace. From the documentation, I've tried to use the "-" within the start and end block of the macro declaration that doesn't seem to do anything. {% macro domainToLangCodeMap() -%} {% s read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
January 28, 2022
@Kevin-C Ah yes, the addition of the render filter did the job. I hope there will be a fix in the future where a macro by default will remove any more
SirHubalot on January 25, 2022
I'm trying to return a value from a macro without any whitespace. From the documentation, I've tried to use the "-" within the start and end block of the macro declaration that doesn't seem to do anything. {% macro domainToLangCodeMap() -%} {% s read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
January 28, 2022
@Kevin-C Ah yes, the addition of the render filter did the job. I hope there will be a fix in the future where a macro by default will remove any more
SirHubalot on January 25, 2022
I'm trying to return a value from a macro without any whitespace. From the documentation, I've tried to use the "-" within the start and end block of the macro declaration that doesn't seem to do anything. {% macro domainToLangCodeMap() -%} {% s read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
January 28, 2022
@Kevin-C Ah yes, the addition of the render filter did the job. I hope there will be a fix in the future where a macro by default will remove any more
SirHubalot on January 18, 2022
Hi, I've been reading up on Hubspot's various documentation on it's membership functionality. The part I am not sure on is how should the user registration process start, where they get sent an email with a link to enter a password? In the d read more
January 20, 2022
@Brownstephen101 I've setup the page(s) audience access and that is all working. Just missing how to create a form to allow a user to register so more
SirHubalot on January 19, 2022
In a page template, I'm passing a value to my module to set the value of a choice property. Based on the documentation , I should be able to do this in the following manner: {% module "related-posts" path='/path', label="Related Posts", langu read more
SirHubalot on January 18, 2022
Hi, I've been reading up on Hubspot's various documentation on it's membership functionality. The part I am not sure on is how should the user registration process start, where they get sent an email with a link to enter a password? In the d read more
January 20, 2022
@Brownstephen101 I've setup the page(s) audience access and that is all working. Just missing how to create a form to allow a user to register so more
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