
Member since ‎Oct 20, 2020
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Shaun Gerrits

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GiantVoices on February 05, 2019
Hello, Currently, we have the enterprise level HubSpot account and have been working on creating calculation properties to add together transactional pieces. There is a major roadblock with this property as it doesn't allow a calculation formul read more
May 27, 2021
I've built workflows that set the property to 0 if unkown but then the problem is if you have a calculation property that references another more
sgerrits on April 14, 2021
When building cross object workflows, Hubspot defaults to look for "at least one associated record". It would be great if we had an option to choose "all associated records". An example would be a deal based workflow that has two contacts ass read more
1 Reply
sgerrits on February 26, 2021
There's no currently no way to tell who uploaded a particular file. That means if you want to delete something that you are unsure about, you need to ask your entire department/organization who uploaded it to find out whether it is still needed. read more
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sgerrits on January 08, 2021
Because activities can't act as re-enrollment trigger, it would be great to have activity based workflows. An example of an application would be that every time I log a phone call with outcome = left voice mail, it will send an automated email read more
108 Replies
sgerrits on October 20, 2020
Enable filters to sort at the deal level in activity feed.
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sgerrits on October 20, 2020
Integration built into Hubspot Outlook Extension so emails will auto-populate when you start to type an email/name.
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