
Mitglied seit ‎Aug 9, 2017
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Anonymous on April 28, 2017
It would be great to "archive" deals that have either been won or lost, so that they don't appear on the dashboard or deals table. This way you wouldn't lose the information from the deal and it would affect the figures on your deals dashboard.
99 Antworten
Dezember 12, 2017
I want to Thumbs Up this as many times as possible! I encounter this a lot in my industry where people are so mobile and frequently go from company t...Beitrag ansehen
Julian3 on September 29, 2017
Sorting tasks by time zone : it would be helpful to have the time zone associated with the company/contact appear in a column in "table" view. This way you wouldn't have to click into the profile each time to know if it's an appropriate time to c Beitrag ansehen
69 Antworten
Dezember 12, 2017
Yes, yes, yes! If I create a task queue to call, and want to call East Coast first thing in the morning, and work my way to the West coast over...Beitrag ansehen
brents2cents on April 19, 2017
Hi, I'm a Director of Business Development with a multi-media company and have used HubSpot across a couple different business industries now. As a paying customer, it would be incredibly useful in Sales to have a product list in HubSpot that associ Beitrag ansehen
August 09, 2017
Yes! Thanks for submitting, and thanks for planning. This is much needed as in each deal we have a subscription price and a one-time implementation c...Beitrag ansehen
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