
Member since ‎Oct 15, 2020
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Christie Cutter

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ccBTT on March 29, 2021
Would love a feature in Chatflows that allows us to export all the copy in a particular flow in an organized way. Reason: I built this in English and want to recreate it in French but need to send out for translation and approval first.
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ccBTT on March 19, 2021
My team needs to log important internal emails to Accounts/Companies in Hubspot from gmail. The manual option (copy and paste into Hubspot's email logging is not ideal). We would like the ability to use your log drop down feature in gmail (like we read more
ccBTT on March 19, 2021
Ability to add CTA links into copy within any email built in Hubspot. Specifically cannot add to the body of my text in this email I built with the drag and drop editor
ccBTT on March 01, 2021
Requesting a feature to restrict scheduling of same-day meetings in Hubspot's Meetings Tool. When last-minute meetings are scheduled, they are easily missed or lack time for preparation.
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StaceyM on April 27, 2017
I work in a team spread across 4 different time zones. It would be helpful if each of us could have our local time zone associated with our HS profile and that would carry through when I'm scheduling activities or assigning tasks.
225 Replies
February 04, 2021
This feature release is incredibly important for our teams across the globe. The timezone sync to salesforce is making hubspot useless for our teams more
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