
Member since ‎Oct 14, 2020
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Jessie Warner

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mattgeller on July 22, 2019
I would like to be able to go to my marketing emails and filter by who is the sender of the email. Why do I want this? Because there will always be turnover at a company and that means senders will need to change. If I create an email sent b read more
15 Replies
August 13, 2021
This would be a very useful feature to have. Easy enough to add one one column here: Add a "Sender" column option here. As an more
jessiew on December 30, 2020
I would love to be able to nestle folders inside of my workflow folders. For example - I have a folder called "Form Submissions" and then inside of that folder I have other folders for workflows that happen based off of specific form submission read more
2 Replies
jennaovett on August 18, 2020
Hello HubSpot Community, I am trying to store the following values in a cookie (or various cookies) and later use the cookie to populate hidden fields on an embedded HubSpot form: 1.) UTM parameters 2.) GCLID (this could be include read more
October 14, 2020
@cathalhopper Thanks for the reply. I actually went a little further into inspecting the form and I have a couple of new pieces of more
jennaovett on August 18, 2020
Hello HubSpot Community, I am trying to store the following values in a cookie (or various cookies) and later use the cookie to populate hidden fields on an embedded HubSpot form: 1.) UTM parameters 2.) GCLID (this could be include read more
October 14, 2020
@cathalhopper Thanks for the reply. I actually went a little further into inspecting the form and I have a couple of new pieces of more
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