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Eleanor VonAchen

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Pastor on Oktober 31, 2018
The sales manager reassigns the owner of the incoming conversations to different persons, but once you click on a conversation it is marked as read (the green dot disappears). In order to have some control of the conversations, it would be helpful Beitrag ansehen
85 Antworten
Juni 16, 2021
Here here! This isn't a hard thing to implement. Maybe the IT department needs to hire someone capable of doing this. It's a very simple function ...Beitrag ansehen
Pastor on Oktober 31, 2018
The sales manager reassigns the owner of the incoming conversations to different persons, but once you click on a conversation it is marked as read (the green dot disappears). In order to have some control of the conversations, it would be helpful Beitrag ansehen
85 Antworten
Juni 16, 2021
Here here! This isn't a hard thing to implement. Maybe the IT department needs to hire someone capable of doing this. It's a very simple function ...Beitrag ansehen
Pastor on Oktober 31, 2018
The sales manager reassigns the owner of the incoming conversations to different persons, but once you click on a conversation it is marked as read (the green dot disappears). In order to have some control of the conversations, it would be helpful Beitrag ansehen
85 Antworten
Juni 16, 2021
Here here! This isn't a hard thing to implement. Maybe the IT department needs to hire someone capable of doing this. It's a very simple function ...Beitrag ansehen
Pastor on Oktober 31, 2018
The sales manager reassigns the owner of the incoming conversations to different persons, but once you click on a conversation it is marked as read (the green dot disappears). In order to have some control of the conversations, it would be helpful Beitrag ansehen
85 Antworten
Juni 16, 2021
Here here! This isn't a hard thing to implement. Maybe the IT department needs to hire someone capable of doing this. It's a very simple function ...Beitrag ansehen
PamelaSoh on Oktober 08, 2019
Currently, it's not possible to delete a user comment or recall a chat message if it has been sent out. It'd be really great if we can delete a user comment that has been added to the wrong conversation so as to avoid confusion or to have the abilit Beitrag ansehen
20 Antworten
Oktober 13, 2020
Also to recall an email message when you realize it went to the forwarder, not the person you intended. 🙄
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