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Member since ‎Oct 12, 2020
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Jovitha Pinto

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Jovitha on July 21, 2021
When forms are changed accidentally, this feature would be useful to directly help restore the previous versions (like in Google Sheets), rather than having to identify and, recreate all the 20-30 forms. It is easier when there is only one form to c read more
25 Replies
carmenm on December 17, 2020
It would be really nice if you could customize the dashboard reports by different colors so you could break up the data more visually. For example, being able to change the color of text on the header and/or summary data that is show. So that i read more
17 Replies
Participant | Partner
December 29, 2020
Absolutely. This is a must-needed feature because if we have to show reports or schedule the whole dashboard to be sent to the client, then in that more
dcbullard104 on March 15, 2019
I am using forms to register people for upcoming training. Some of the participants have registered more than once for the same date / time. Is there a way to delete a form submission - so when I run my report for registrants, I have an accurate c read more
Participant | Partner
December 14, 2020
Hey @dcbullard104 , I am assuming this is the feature that you are looking for. In that case, I request you to upvote this feature.
Jricci11 on December 04, 2020
Hi - we just made some changes to our marketing email subscription types and it was really cumbersome to each of our automated emails with the new subscription type. It would be really helpful to be able to make a bulk update to emails to add them t read more
6 Replies
Participant | Partner
December 06, 2020
Hey @Jricci11 , This can be achieved through a workflow. Here all the subscriptions will be updated and it is an automated process once you set it more
gknapp on October 11, 2020
Hi all, I'm unable to download three certificates that I completed late last year: Inbound Marketing, Social Media, and Growth-Driven Design. Specifically, I would like access to the Certificate/Credential ID so I can show this coursework on my read more
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5 Replies
Participant | Partner
October 12, 2020
You should open the course, and go to the last tab of the exam where you will get an option to download the certificate, even though it would be more
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