
Miembro desde ‎oct 9, 2020
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Shan Newton

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Noviembre 26, 2021
I've written to the VP of Customer Support twice, and made more than one support ticket for this request. Hubspot doesn't care and ignores this thread...Leer más
Octubre 04, 2021
It's wild how the Hubspot team has ignored this "must-have" feature for years, and this community thread has been actively growing every month. I susp...Leer más
Septiembre 06, 2021
Hello Hubspot management, We've been asking for this "Today's date" feature for over a year. How many people asked for "the ability to drag ins...Leer más
Julio 22, 2021
I've been recommending at the conferences I attend, to avoid Hubspot. Because the lack of this feature is absurd, and the lack of customer support is...Leer más
Abril 08, 2021
I sent a direct request to VP of Global Customer Support (David Hunt) on October 14th, 2020 -- still no word, no progress. What can the communit...Leer más
Diciembre 06, 2020
Thanks Cheryllu, I replied to that thread on the workaround solution. Because the workaround workflow is constantly calculating on hundreds of thousa...Leer más
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