
Miembro desde ‎oct 5, 2020
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Andrew Rong

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Marzo 26, 2021
I am trying to build this report recently, and there's no way for me to be able to do this. This report would be helpful so we can see how we could o...Leer más
Enero 28, 2021
I love this idea. I would love to see this expand beyond contacts to companies and deals as well. Hopefully, we would be able to get this soon.
Diciembre 18, 2020
I'm hoping this functionality gets implemented soon. I would love to send a second email to those people who didn't respond to the initial NPS email....Leer más
Octubre 06, 2020
Hi All, 1. How long have you been using HubSpot? Very grateful to be back into the power user community. I've been using hubspot for approxima...Leer más
Octubre 06, 2020
This would be amazing to have right now. I'm doing a deep dive into workflows that are set up with forms before me, and it's so much manual work goin...Leer más
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