
Miembro desde ‎oct 5, 2020
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Magdalena Prichodko

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Octubre 04, 2022
Absolutly needed!
Junio 23, 2022
Definietely YES!!! I need to export product price discounts data from quotes/deals ASAP. Any idea how?
mprichodko en Junio 10, 2022
We really need to be able to associate one company with multiple another companies. Can we have "Associations" feature extended with the above functionality, to be able to create association labels for Company-to-Company associations?? It's really Leer más
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mprichodko en Junio 09, 2022
Subscription prefereneces page linked in Marketing emails is different than the one linked in One-to-One emails. Why is that? While the first one can be redisigned and changed (in settings->marketing->emails->subscriptions) the other one i Leer más
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May 31, 2022
Thanks for the tip @PamelaM ! Now I've noticed the previously suggested solutions. It works for me for now as it is the last seqence we used indeed....Leer más
May 31, 2022
I need to create a list of contacts that have been ever enrolled in particular sequence. Don't seem to find a way to do it effectively now...
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