
Member | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Oct 5, 2020
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Ley Castillo

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leycastillo on October 18, 2021
We are trying to create some sort of poll/voting through a form, however there is no option for an email address or phone number to be used only once on a particular form. In this case, a single email can send as many votes as possible. It wil read more
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Member | Diamond Partner
May 04, 2021
UP UP UP on this!! This will really be a very helpful feature. 🙂
leycastillo on October 05, 2020
Hello -- I am onboarding this client in the car sales business. we are dealing with 3 different car brands with around 7 branches and 70+ sales reps. I am working closely with the head of training and one challenge we bumped into is the process as t read more
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