
Member since ‎Oct 5, 2020
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Stephanie Dorner

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February 17, 2022
Amazing thank you for sharing. So much easier. I have now shared this with my team.
July 08, 2021
Hi AThomas21, No I have had no response from HubSpot on this. Would be great to see if they have taken this idea on board as it would create more
StephD13 on November 24, 2020
Hi team, Would love to be able to drag and drop files into deals and contacts attachment section rather than having to upload. Similar being able to drag and drop files when importing data or when we drag and drop attachemtns into emails in Outloo read more
9 Replies
StephD13 on November 12, 2020
It would be so much more convenient to drag and drop files into attachement area for the contacts and deals (more in particular the deals). At the moment you have to save into a folder then upload and access the file from your computer folder. It w read more
11 Replies
StephD13 on October 05, 2020
I would like to see the contact's address details appear on the HubSpot quotes. At the moment I've been advised that the current work around is to create a company and link the contact to the company. I feel this is double handling and creating com read more
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