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Alistair Shaw

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Marlize on November 01, 2019
We are looking for a feature to download all conversation logs. Transcripts, timing on responses, system logs
12 Antworten
April 20, 2023
Yes please, this seems like a no brainer and a feature found in almost every other Live Chat tool. We need to be able to export conversations into a ...Beitrag ansehen
rtruncale on Juli 07, 2021
Currently, in HubSpot lists, workflows, and filtered views, you can only view contacts sent an email and the various actions based on an email sent. But if we want to review contacts who should have received an automated email, but were never sent t Beitrag ansehen
Juni 16, 2022
We really need this feature. Most other mail platforms allow you to do "if this but not that" logic. We just want to create a list that is normally s...Beitrag ansehen
asmas92 on Mai 22, 2022
Hi there, We have tried two FAQ Modules (Vast FAQ and Simple FAQ) on a landing page template (one built to look like our websited on another CMS) but each FAQ Module won't expand/drop down when clicked on in mobile. It works in HubSpot's preview, b Beitrag ansehen
Mai 25, 2022
Hi @Anton Thank you for following up again, you were on the right track and I've figured out it was one or two things: like you said, the menu wa...Beitrag ansehen
asmas92 on Mai 22, 2022
Hi there, We have tried two FAQ Modules (Vast FAQ and Simple FAQ) on a landing page template (one built to look like our websited on another CMS) but each FAQ Module won't expand/drop down when clicked on in mobile. It works in HubSpot's preview, b Beitrag ansehen
Mai 25, 2022
Hi @Anton Thank you for following up again, you were on the right track and I've figured out it was one or two things: like you said, the menu wa...Beitrag ansehen
asmas92 on Mai 22, 2022
Hi there, We have tried two FAQ Modules (Vast FAQ and Simple FAQ) on a landing page template (one built to look like our websited on another CMS) but each FAQ Module won't expand/drop down when clicked on in mobile. It works in HubSpot's preview, b Beitrag ansehen
Mai 25, 2022
Hi @Anton Thank you for following up again, you were on the right track and I've figured out it was one or two things: like you said, the menu wa...Beitrag ansehen
asmas92 on Mai 22, 2022
Hi there, We have tried two FAQ Modules (Vast FAQ and Simple FAQ) on a landing page template (one built to look like our websited on another CMS) but each FAQ Module won't expand/drop down when clicked on in mobile. It works in HubSpot's preview, b Beitrag ansehen
Mai 25, 2022
Hi @Anton Thank you for following up again, you were on the right track and I've figured out it was one or two things: like you said, the menu wa...Beitrag ansehen
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