
Participant | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Oct 2, 2020
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Nicolas Mendes

I’m a multi-disciplinary designer who’s delivered creative and engaging solutions across brand identity, Web design, UI/UX Design, digital and social media. My work can be seen at Maker Mockup, the largest mockups e-commerce in Brazil, the whole site is developed and designed by me with great care, quality and functionality, in addition to being fair to SEO. My work has also been featured in Dribbble and Behance with my UI Kits that I develop and sell, I also designed and developed a website for a Photoshop course called "". If you are interested in the prototyping of any website, UI Kit, App or Social Media, please contact me via email. Skills: Web design, branding and identity, typography, UI design, UX Design, packaging, InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Affinity Designer, Affinity Publisher, Adobe Xd, Figma and Python. If you have a project I can help with, please get in touch.


Participant | Diamond Partner
November 07, 2021
Quick question: In this hackathon my team and I are competing for the best Landing Page, what will be evaluated is the landing page, so is it more
Nick_Mendes on October 02, 2020
Muitos Founders cometem o mesmo erro no início de sua empresa: em vez de construir uma pilha de tecnologia integrada, eles usam um monte de ferramentas desconectadas porque essas ferramentas são baratas, ou talvez até gratuitas. Eu descobri o po read more
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