
Member since ‎Oct 1, 2020
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FernandoElias on November 18, 2020
It'll be great to have this functionallity so we can have more powerful insights within HubSpot.
157 Replies
January 31, 2022
The ability to do calculations within reports rather than only within custom properties is very much needed. My sales team is asking me to build more
JSmith968 on February 09, 2022
My suggestion is to create a feature that allows you to multiply/ divide/ subtract or perform a percentage calculation between two properties. I'm currently trying to gather information to show an average number of licences sold per total number read more
10 Replies
January 31, 2022
This is a duplicate of this idea , which is marked as In Planning. Please upvote and add comments there.
jthng on July 14, 2017
The team calendar should allow every member to customized their available time slots. In another words have the option for default availbility to overwrite customized availbility. This is because if i am looking to implement a 24 hours meetin read more
83 Replies
December 03, 2021
My team could definitely benefit from having this functionality added. For example, a BDR will be working in a different time zone next week and more
Lumen5KJ on December 02, 2021
When setting the availability window within the Scheduling section of the Meetings tool, there is currently no way to set custom date ranges for availability. For example, a BDR will be working in a different time zone next week and wants their read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
December 03, 2021
Thanks, @karstenkoehler , for the suggestion. I'll definitely add my thoughts to the Idea that you linked in your reply.
Lumen5KJ on December 02, 2021
When setting the availability window within the Scheduling section of the Meetings tool, there is currently no way to set custom date ranges for availability. For example, a BDR will be working in a different time zone next week and wants their read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
December 03, 2021
Thanks, @karstenkoehler , for the suggestion. I'll definitely add my thoughts to the Idea that you linked in your reply.
Lumen5KJ on December 02, 2021
When setting the availability window within the Scheduling section of the Meetings tool, there is currently no way to set custom date ranges for availability. For example, a BDR will be working in a different time zone next week and wants their read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
December 03, 2021
Thanks, @karstenkoehler , for the suggestion. I'll definitely add my thoughts to the Idea that you linked in your reply.
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