
Miembro desde ‎ago 8, 2017
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Julio 03, 2020
Looks like I made the mistake of changing the setting on the 'Default setting for all domains' and thinking this would do the same for all domains C...Leer más
Agosto 12, 2019
@Shay It has been a couple of years since this issue was pointed out, any updates yet?
Agosto 06, 2019
Thanks Isaac, Here's the idea on the Ideas Forum: más
Julio 31, 2019
Thanks for the reply Isaac That URL does give some good data, I'm definitely going to use that. However what I'm trying to achieve is getting the B...Leer más
LollipopRob en Julio 30, 2019
Hi all I'm trying to use the API to get the CTA click rate data for all blog posts in a particular blog of ours. Using the analytics API documentation I've managed to get a list of ALL blog posts sorted by entrances and limited to 100 results. Leer más
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LollipopRob en Julio 26, 2019
TLDR > Not possible currently Is it possible to use the autotracking option in Hubspot Ads when we're creating ads from Blog Posts that have been autopublished to Facebook via HubSpot? I ask because the documentation says URL shorteners wil Leer más
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