
Member since ‎Sep 30, 2020
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msmicrocool on November 02, 2020
We are realtively new users to HubSpot. We have a 3CX phone system and our 3CX dealer has added integration to our HubSpot account. However, it does not look up the number or find a contact. It just adds a contact called "New3CXcontact" and not much read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
June 25, 2021
Thanks for the update.... 3CX has a instruction sheet on how to integrate with HubSpot. I have found someone outside both organizations who is more
msmicrocool on June 02, 2021
We have one particular client that we have been communicating for several years. Recently any email that is sent to him is rejected by their Spam program. Even if I send to another person and have it sent back to him, it fails. The only way I can ge read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
June 03, 2021
Thank you for the reply. I suspected that this is what happened. I can understand the "how " and will try to remember
msmicrocool on June 02, 2021
We have one particular client that we have been communicating for several years. Recently any email that is sent to him is rejected by their Spam program. Even if I send to another person and have it sent back to him, it fails. The only way I can ge read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
June 03, 2021
Thank you for the reply. I suspected that this is what happened. I can understand the "how " and will try to remember
msmicrocool on November 02, 2020
We are realtively new users to HubSpot. We have a 3CX phone system and our 3CX dealer has added integration to our HubSpot account. However, it does not look up the number or find a contact. It just adds a contact called "New3CXcontact" and not much read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
June 25, 2021
Thanks for the update.... 3CX has a instruction sheet on how to integrate with HubSpot. I have found someone outside both organizations who is more
msmicrocool on November 02, 2020
We are realtively new users to HubSpot. We have a 3CX phone system and our 3CX dealer has added integration to our HubSpot account. However, it does not look up the number or find a contact. It just adds a contact called "New3CXcontact" and not much read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
June 25, 2021
Thanks for the update.... 3CX has a instruction sheet on how to integrate with HubSpot. I have found someone outside both organizations who is more
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