
Member since ‎Sep 29, 2020
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Mateo Castaño-Suárez

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Julian3 on September 29, 2017
Sorting tasks by time zone : it would be helpful to have the time zone associated with the company/contact appear in a column in "table" view. This way you wouldn't have to click into the profile each time to know if it's an appropriate time to c read more
69 Replies
February 09, 2022
Thanks Gordon, would love early access. Mateo
Julian3 on September 29, 2017
Sorting tasks by time zone : it would be helpful to have the time zone associated with the company/contact appear in a column in "table" view. This way you wouldn't have to click into the profile each time to know if it's an appropriate time to c read more
69 Replies
February 09, 2022
Thanks Gordon, would love early access. Mateo
Mateo-Off2Class on October 16, 2020
HubSpot is great, this would make it amazing for me. I'd love to create a calling queue based on my clients' local time. It would work something like this: 1) List 5 of my Melbourne contacts, 2) HubSpot creates Google Calendar meetings 15 mins a read more
Mateo-Off2Class on October 05, 2020
I would like to see a feature that shows what the local time is for a contact. The community forum refers to Google Chrome extensions like Fox Clocks, but even then there is the work of figuring out what time zone they're in. It would be g read more
21 Replies
Julian3 on September 29, 2017
Sorting tasks by time zone : it would be helpful to have the time zone associated with the company/contact appear in a column in "table" view. This way you wouldn't have to click into the profile each time to know if it's an appropriate time to c read more
69 Replies
February 09, 2022
Thanks Gordon, would love early access. Mateo
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