
Member since ‎Sep 25, 2020
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Jason Good

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JGood on August 01, 2023
Hi everyone, I'm using the analytics chrome extension and find that when I hit the "next" button when creating a new event, it will often load a blank screen in the extension. So I right-click to "reload the frame" and I have to start over again read more
August 15, 2023
I have tried all of these things and the problem persists.
erinnanana on January 25, 2023
We send marketing emails from contact owners, with the contact owner's email address set as the reply to. If there is no contact owner associated with the contact, I'm assuming that there is a default from/reply to address, but I can't find this inf read more
August 15, 2023
Do you know if there is a setting to differentiate by Business Unit? Or is it one default owner across all of Hubspot? I assume it is the latter, more
JGood on August 01, 2023
Hi everyone, I'm using the analytics chrome extension and find that when I hit the "next" button when creating a new event, it will often load a blank screen in the extension. So I right-click to "reload the frame" and I have to start over again read more
August 15, 2023
I have tried all of these things and the problem persists.
jmeade on April 10, 2023
Has anyone had any luck using the Amplitude integration? I am looking to automatically trigger emails in Hubspot based upon new users who signup and take a particular action (via events captured in Amplitude). I've followed the setup guide here read more
1 upvote
9 Replies
August 01, 2023
I'm trying this integration, too. I assume I need to pass one of the unique IDs that Hubspot requires to match Amplitude data to Hubspot. Hubspot more
JOmelchuk on February 10, 2023
I want Sync Amplitude Cohorts in HubSpot and send marketing emails to a list of contacts. To set up the integration I should select the identifiers I want to use for the cohort sync. But it is not clear What is Contact Id at HubSpot? read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
August 01, 2023
My assumption is that you would need to pass the Hubspot Contact ID to amplitude as a property so you can then pass events to the proper contact in more
DiegoPI on June 11, 2018
It would be great to be able to change the default meeting reminder email or meeting booked email when creating a scheduling page. The minor customization allowed in the form of additional unformtted text is not enough. It would also be great to be read more
343 Replies
July 03, 2023
Yes, this would be very helpful. Sometimes our meetings are booked with the wrong people. Without the ability to include additional information in more
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