
Mitglied | Platinum Partner
Mitglied seit ‎Sep 25, 2020
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JoanneTapping on September 10, 2018
Whilst the Ticket system is useful, when you have 150-200 tickets in varying pipelines within ServiceHub can be confusing when searching for a particular ticket. It would be immensly valuable to include the Ticket ID to all subsequent emails fro Beitrag ansehen
72 Antworten
Mitglied | Platinum Partner
März 01, 2023
hello Absolutely needed 🙂
jmangiameli on Mai 02, 2022
Hello HubSpot community! Currently we provide phone numbers in the US, UK and Canada but we have plans to offer numbers in many more countries. We don't have a timetable but it is something we are actively working on. Use this post to let us know Beitrag ansehen
432 Antworten
Mitglied | Platinum Partner
Februar 13, 2023
Hello France please
atma on Juni 16, 2018
Allow customers to log in and see their Ticket inbox, history, statuses, replies etc. Ideally integrate this with Knowedge Base too.
221 Antworten
Mitglied | Platinum Partner
Mai 24, 2021
Hi I don't know if a beta is planned for soon? Is it possible to include our hub id when beta will be available pls? Thanks
Skogluft on Februar 14, 2020
Today its only possible to enter whole numbers in quantity in quotes. this is very limiting. For example when you sell 1,5 hours. Or you sell 1,5 square feet of something. or 1,5 pounds... You get the point. extremely important that this Beitrag ansehen
70 Antworten
Mitglied | Platinum Partner
November 30, 2020
Hi We are partner and we lost deals because our prospect need to able to sell fractionnal quantities For services: 0.5 days for example. Pleas...Beitrag ansehen
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