
Member since ‎Sep 24, 2020
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Darren Flynt

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dflynt on August 05, 2021
We regularly have issues where quotes are created and I am asked who the quote is waiting on for approval. We have all of the workflows working to send emails to the quote approver, but sometimes people are out. I have a workflow that I run manual read more
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dazza on June 19, 2018
Hello, We were excited to see the Product Library feature. Sadly, we can't use it because it does not support fractional cents. We need to quote $0.0250/minute (2.5 cents/minute) for usage of our product, but HubSpot rounds all dollar am read more
129 Replies
May 11, 2021
We really want this feature as well since we have settled on 5 decimal places for our pricing. In the meantime, for locations like Brazil, where more
dflynt on April 19, 2021
I thought I had found an answer to this question before, but can't find it now. We have a process where customer service closes deals (by setting to Closed Won) when we get a PO from a customer. Is it possible to not allow Sales Reps to close deal read more
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7 Replies
April 22, 2021
Just as a point of clarification. We absolutely want sales reps to enter deals and move them through the deal stages that they are in charge of. more
dflynt on April 19, 2021
I thought I had found an answer to this question before, but can't find it now. We have a process where customer service closes deals (by setting to Closed Won) when we get a PO from a customer. Is it possible to not allow Sales Reps to close deal read more
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7 Replies
April 22, 2021
Just as a point of clarification. We absolutely want sales reps to enter deals and move them through the deal stages that they are in charge of. more
dflynt on January 29, 2021
This feature request is for our heads of sales and customer service. We would like to send CES (Customer Effort Score) surveys to customers and have them not tied to tickets. We tried with a custom survey but want the survey in email and not on a read more
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CCIlumia on June 12, 2018
Hi! Could be awesome if we can configurate the proposal / quote template. Thanks
434 Replies
October 21, 2020
I was a bit surprised that the "Download quote" and "Print quote" buttons are not at the bottom of the default quote and proposal templates. Can more
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