
Member since ‎Sep 24, 2020
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Luke Gibbons

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lgibbons on July 12, 2022
Enable ability to edit emails triggered from integration with Survey Monkey so that the email can be customised and the design can be adjusted to look more professional.
7 Replies
jenniferlim on January 25, 2019
Currently, any user who has a Sales Pro seat is able to edit Products regardless of what permissions they have. I'd like to have more granular permissions for this, as I don't want my users mistakenly editing products.
28 Replies
February 16, 2022
I second what Callie said, to be able to make folders visible for certain teams and not visible for others is a much-needed tool for us. We have more
DwiP on February 23, 2020
It would be great if there is a new feature where it allows HubSpot Mobile App user to attach sales document to their outgoing sales email. Use Case: Sales Persons are always on the go, they don't work from desktop As they are following up their read more
February 02, 2022
I actually thought this was already a feature until I went to show a colleague how to use it and its not there! Why make just templates available more
lgibbons on August 11, 2021
In our sales analytics reports, we have a user showing up as unknown user, which shows deals that have been automatically generated from our website. Are you able to change this to "Automation" or "Automatically Created" this will help avoid confus read more
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palves on August 02, 2017
Last week we experienced a situation where our data become duplicated and thereby corrupt. Hubspot had to issue a fix, however our data remains comprimised. We need an automated backup process so in the future we are able to recover the informa read more
50 Replies
May 27, 2021
Couldn't agree more! Why isn't this available? I just asked support how to back up our HubSpot and there were a billion options (maybe not exactly). more
jenguyen on May 06, 2021
We have the feature of creating a task to follow up on a note. However, this note and the task that follows up on it are not associated. It would be much easier to search for the related notes and tasks if there are associations between them. read more
1 Reply
May 06, 2021
Great idea. A simple link would work well event if it is different way objects are typically associated within HubSpot.
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