
Contributor | Partner
Member since ‎Sep 22, 2020
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Ash Roy

After a corporate career in finance and strategy, that spanned 15 years in large multinational corporations, a CPA, and an MBA from the Australian Graduate School of Management (Distinction) Ash founded Productive Insights in 2013. Productive Insights’ passion is to partner with small business owners to help them grow sustainably and profitably using strategies that actually work. Ash also hosts a successful podcast called “Productive Insights Podcast” with over 200 episodes. It features some of the world’s leading online entrepreneurs including Seth Godin, Rand Fishkin, Neil Patel, Ryan Deiss, Amy Porterfield, Sonia Simone, Noah Kagan, and many others. You can access it via this link: More recently Ash launched a membership program called Get Me To Done where he works with a close-knit community of business owners to help them get traction in their business. You can learn more at


Contributor | Partner
November 17, 2023
Hi there I'm the founder of my company and I work in digital marketing I've enjoyed working with an Emmy Nominated TV producer recently on more
Contributor | Partner
February 20, 2023
I would really like to see this option included too
Contributor | Partner
August 28, 2021
For my business, I'd say it's probably LinkedIn followed by YouTube. We also get a fair amount of traffic from organic search (SEO) but more
Contributor | Partner
May 17, 2021
Can we please get a timeline on this? It's really a bit problem and would be massively beneficial to all your users.
Contributor | Partner
May 17, 2021
Can we please get a timeline on this? It's really a bit problem and would be massively beneficial to all your users.
Contributor | Partner
May 04, 2021
Thank you so much. It's wonderful to be here @JorieMunroe
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