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Member since ‎Sep 22, 2020
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JohnS63 on October 05, 2018
Hi, I've been working through technical site audits provided by organisations such as SEMRush and Moz to improve our SEO. The problem is that many of the issues which are flagged and raised cannot be fixed from within Hubspot. Examples include: read more
15 Replies
Contributor | Partner
August 16, 2022
@tilly - I'm unable to access "Marketing > Planning and Strategy > SEO" from the main menu in HubSpot - we're on an enterprise account. more
vrneuman on March 08, 2021
Font Awesome is a font of scalable vector icons that can be customized by size, color, and just about any attribute that can be changed with CSS. The easiest way to use Font Awesome icons in your content is by adding them in HubSpot's content edi read more
Contributor | Partner
June 19, 2022
Bringing attention to author's original post that the icon option default "copy snippet" approach throws an error. I'm in production so I'm going to more
DM2 on April 20, 2021
hi there I am looking to create a summary page that will contain links to blog articles and also links to other website pages. I know how to filter blog articles by tag and I would like to apply the same principle to other (non blog) websit read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
Contributor | Partner
March 23, 2022
Thank you very much - I appreciate the help greatly!
DM2 on April 20, 2021
hi there I am looking to create a summary page that will contain links to blog articles and also links to other website pages. I know how to filter blog articles by tag and I would like to apply the same principle to other (non blog) websit read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
Contributor | Partner
March 23, 2022
Thank you very much - I appreciate the help greatly!
Ivanjlares on November 04, 2020
Hey Team. We have a private platform built on HubSpot enterprise. We would like to offer our clients the option to search the pages within this platform! After talking to support it was confirmed that private content cannot be listed for search fi read more
Contributor | Partner
July 12, 2021
No, they are not. We have a blog with a functioning search option. I noticed it has the sub "www" in the HS Page Settings and that our main site more
Ivanjlares on November 04, 2020
Hey Team. We have a private platform built on HubSpot enterprise. We would like to offer our clients the option to search the pages within this platform! After talking to support it was confirmed that private content cannot be listed for search fi read more
Contributor | Partner
July 12, 2021
No, they are not. We have a blog with a functioning search option. I noticed it has the sub "www" in the HS Page Settings and that our main site more
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