
Member since ‎Sep 22, 2020
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Todd Nielsen

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tnielsen on November 15, 2024
There needs to be associations with attachments. So, if an attachment is added for a company, it can also be associated with a deal and be accessible from within the deal or company or any other object the attachment is associated with.
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tnielsen on August 05, 2024
I want to be able to report on logged emails—not emails that are sent but emails that are logged. This would be very handy in determining which sales reps are not using Hubspot to send emails and possibly showing which ones have email integration pr read more
tnielsen on May 17, 2024
Currently, after you delete a contact in Hubspot, the Contacts page opens. This is annoying our sales reps because they then have to navigate back to the company they were working on. It would be nice to return the company record after deleting a co read more
KPruett on January 08, 2024
Before the latest update, HubSpot users could contact support and view their support inbox through the purple help button presented at the bottom right of their portal. Now, in order to contact support and view our support inbox, we must go through read more
18 Replies
February 19, 2024
I agree, this is a pain now.
bencefarkas on March 06, 2020
Goal: HubSpot users should be able to be restricted when moving deals between stages. Let's say you have a Sales Pipeline with stages like "Qualified Prospect", "1st Meeting", "2nd Meeting", "Proposal Given". You shouldn't be able to move a deal read more
88 Replies
November 06, 2023
This is great. Please add me to the beta!
tnielsen on October 31, 2023
I am trying to get the custom coded workflow example working for formatting a phone number but I am getting errors. Here is the code: /** * Transforms a 10-digit U.S. phone number into a standard format. */ const PHONE_NUMBER_PROP = "phone"; const read more
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