
Miembro desde ‎sep 21, 2020
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Audrey Randazzo

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Octubre 25, 2022
The Mentors are not associated with the companies, will this still work? Additionally, I'd love to create an if/then statement that narrows the Mento...Leer más
arandazzo en Octubre 24, 2022
I'm trying to see if I can trigger a workflow with a company's property assignment, and then send an email to a specific group of people with specific contact types. For instance, if company type = Marketing, then send to (contact type is) Mentor an Leer más
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3 Respuestas
Septiembre 19, 2022
Does this tracking of page visits work when the link was sent through Gmail? Such as, could I send a landing page link thorugh Gmail and then make a ...Leer más
May 17, 2022
Hi @kvlschaefer - it's all fixed now. I believe it was a system-wide issue. Thanks for your great response, I'll use those resources in the future ...Leer más
arandazzo en May 16, 2022
We've inputted pictures into the landing page and can see them all in edit mode, but once I preview the page within hubspot or go to the actual page link (because the page is published), the images aren't there. We're very confused on why this is. I Leer más
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4 Respuestas
Abril 20, 2021
This would be so helpful, just to keep a record of something in the client's portfolio without using a property to keep track of it. Hoping this will...Leer más
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