
HubSpot Employee
Member since ‎Sep 18, 2020
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Maria Rodriguez

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marodriguez on March 25, 2022
Submitting an idea on behalf of a customer ideally would be great to be able to filter or sort the form submissions like "contains of" like other filters in order to select multiple forms that contain similar criteria and score it. Since at the mome read more
4 Replies
marodriguez on November 18, 2021
Hi team! I am creating this idea on behalf of a customer. Would be great to have a way to have a completely partitioning feature to segment contacts. I know we are able to do this with certain assets, and customers are able to partition to contacts read more
3 Replies
marodriguez on October 08, 2021
Hi creating this idea on behalf of a customer, they would like to have a feature in HubSpot to have a service in which they can redirect to have Out of Office Responder automatically all the incoming calls.
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marodriguez on September 24, 2021
Hi there! Submitting an idea on behalf of a customer, she created forms to be set up to be in the bottom left corner but she would like them all to be in the center. So would be great to have functionality so users don't have to create completely n read more
2 Replies
marodriguez on July 14, 2021
Hi team! A customer brought to my attention that would be easier to change the order of the preview card properties here Amount: $235,000 Close Date: Stage: Pipeline Since when selecting the stage they have to g read more
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marodriguez on June 18, 2021
Sería de gran ayuda tener la opción para los usuarios tener la posibilidad de cambiar el valor interno de una propiedad al igual que el nombre de este. Pues, en el momento es posible por medio de un workflow solo con propiedades de texto, numéricas read more
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