
Member since ‎Sep 17, 2020
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Frederico Roldão

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doudou1178 on April 09, 2020
It came to my attention that this issue happened to me and a lot of my co-workers. I've submitted a support ticket and I've been re-directed to the HubSpot community. So I'm asking for your help to get the attention this issue needs. I can spend a read more
February 26, 2024
@hroberts , I don't mean to sound rude but I have to say that asking users to " Please keep upvoting and commenting here" instead of saying "I will more
jenniferlim on November 25, 2018
It would be great if HubSpot would allow me to save a draft of my email in the CRM.
February 26, 2024
I also appreciate the update. However, as a paying customer, I don’t appreciate “later this year” as a deadline. This is beyond acceptable, more
jenniferlim on November 25, 2018
It would be great if HubSpot would allow me to save a draft of my email in the CRM.
February 26, 2024
I also appreciate the update. However, as a paying customer, I don’t appreciate “later this year” as a deadline. This is beyond acceptable, more
jenniferlim on November 25, 2018
It would be great if HubSpot would allow me to save a draft of my email in the CRM.
February 26, 2024
I also appreciate the update. However, as a paying customer, I don’t appreciate “later this year” as a deadline. This is beyond acceptable, more
fredericoroldao on September 17, 2020
Hi. I created and used a personal account to send and track emails. Later, my company created an account and I was made Super Admin in it. I want to bring the activity (contacts created, emails sent, etc.) on my personal account into my company's ac read more
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