
Member since ‎Sep 16, 2020
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spaulsen on August 09, 2023
Before I start going through trial and error.... What is the best way to update company records? We imported about 20,000 Company records about a year ago and most did not have the domain information. Now we have access to a tool that has given u read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
August 10, 2023
Funny thing Karsten... HubSpot does not recognize the Record ID field on the new spreadsheet that was created with the updated information. At more
spaulsen on August 09, 2023
Before I start going through trial and error.... What is the best way to update company records? We imported about 20,000 Company records about a year ago and most did not have the domain information. Now we have access to a tool that has given u read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
August 10, 2023
Funny thing Karsten... HubSpot does not recognize the Record ID field on the new spreadsheet that was created with the updated information. At more
spaulsen on August 09, 2023
Before I start going through trial and error.... What is the best way to update company records? We imported about 20,000 Company records about a year ago and most did not have the domain information. Now we have access to a tool that has given u read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
August 10, 2023
Funny thing Karsten... HubSpot does not recognize the Record ID field on the new spreadsheet that was created with the updated information. At more
spaulsen on March 16, 2023
Silly question time... How do I restrict access to Marketing Files for some users? I don't want them deleting them or using them in unauthorized (inappropriate) ways. Thanks in advance for ideas.
1 upvote
3 Replies
March 16, 2023
Thanks for the reply Jacob that does prevent users from deleting files, however they can still see the files and get the url for them and have more
spaulsen on March 16, 2023
Silly question time... How do I restrict access to Marketing Files for some users? I don't want them deleting them or using them in unauthorized (inappropriate) ways. Thanks in advance for ideas.
1 upvote
3 Replies
March 16, 2023
Thanks for the reply Jacob that does prevent users from deleting files, however they can still see the files and get the url for them and have more
spaulsen on February 28, 2023
Silly question time.... again. I have a sales team with a 2 revenue targets that are set up in HS... a minimum quota and a stretch goal... the minimum quota is set up as User goals and the stretch goal is set up as a Team goal How can I show YTD read more
7 Replies
March 02, 2023
However... the answer was staring me in the face the whole time. I just had to check the box "Include monthly report goal" and set that to a more
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