
Miembro desde ‎sep 15, 2020
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Rodrigo Cunha

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Enero 16, 2024
How has this not been done? Some platforms want to push data into HS and we need to use a string field with all the inherent limitations in reporting...Leer más
Noviembre 25, 2022
This seems like such an oversight that is hard to understand how it hasn't been done.
rodcunha en Agosto 23, 2022
Hi, The Problem: We have ran into an issue that I thought would be a lot easier to resolve than actually is. There doesn't seem to be a conversation property for owner that is assignable or can be copied to the contact, nor there seems to be Leer más
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Enero 05, 2022
I totally agree with this. This makes so much sense I can't believe this has had no upvotes so far. I was going to submit this very idea just now.
rodcunha en Noviembre 16, 2021
I recently had some trouble understanding why lists wouldn't populate when I used the same filters as in contacts. As it happens the lists have been given an added functionality to filter in or out results with empty properties while this was defaul Leer más
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Octubre 08, 2021
I would like for us to be added to this beta too. Thanks. R
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